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Chiron Healing® 

Chiron Healing® is a form of energy healing which works with the diamond patterns within the aura. Therefore little touching of the physical body occurs during a Chiron Healing® session. 'There are a myriad of energy lines within the diamond patterns of the aura. By connecting to pure source energy and directing it with our minds through our hands, the damage is repaired and blockages are removed from those lines of energy. This allows true healing to occur '(Cheironia 1997).


Chiron Healing® will benefit you by:


  • promoting healing of all kinds of physical, emotional and spiritual wounds

  • calming emotional traumas quickly

  • settling flash backs and nightmares

  • easing phobias

  • relieving your sore lower back and aligning your spine

  • promoting the healing of arthritic joints

  • supporting you to change bad habits (eg. stopping smoking etc…)

  • preparing your body for the best outcome when needing surgeries

  • balancing your hormones

  • strengthening your pelvic floor

  • clearing heavy energies

  • cleansing and repairing your aura

  • boosting your energy and making you feel well again


There are so many techniques within Chiron Healing® that there is sure to be something to help you, no matter what your needs are. Chiron Healing® is safe during pregnancy and is suitable for children too.



Helen is an accredited IACHI  practitioner and Chiron Healing® teacher.


Call me on (02) 48223397 to book your Chiron Healing® appointment or to find out further information about how Chiron Healing® can meet your needs.


Appointments are available Monday to Friday between 10am & 5pm. By appointment only,


If you would like to attend a workshop to learn Chiron healing® please click through to the workshop page for more information.


Gift Vouchers are available.


Absentee healing is available with this technique, if you are unable to physically get to The Floating Lily at Goulburn NSW.



“I had an accident in which I cracked my sacro – iliac. At the same time a family member died. I had tried different modes of treatment over a period of about two years with some success. However the most worrying thing was that my family thought my personality had changed. I consulted Helen Buck who treated me with Chiron Healing® with wonderful success. I now feel myself, actually a more loving and happier person than before and my family agree.”
(Sandra, Raggett Thai Chi instructor)


"Chiron Healing® is very relaxing. You forget the outside world for a few hours."
(Vicki Bishop - Warehouse Assistant)


"I had the Chiron Healing® it was a great experience."
(Lauri Wray - Jockey)


"I had the Chiron Healing® and found it to be very soothing."
(Kylie Will - Administration)


"Chiron Healing® - colours, complete relaxation."
(Margaret Unwin - retired)


"Chiron Healing® rocks!! Thanks."
(Karen Griffiths)


"Chiron Healing® is other worldly. I will be back with not as long a gap between visits next time."
(Alison MacDonald, Director)


"The first form of therapy I tried at The Floating Lily with Helen Buck was the Tibetan Bells Sound Therapy. This was largely because of my interest in music therapy. I found it profoundly relaxing and "spacey". While I was there I did notice information about Chiron Healing® which seemed very interesting. Later, I had a cold which turned into bronchitis. For some reason I could not get down to see Helen and we therefore arranged an absentee healing with Chiron Healing®. Within two days of the arranged time I was completely cleared of my bronchitis symptoms! The Chiron Healing® is a very beautiful form of Energy work and, obviously, practically effective! Thank you Helen!!"
(Peter Raggett, Registered Nurse)



$95 for a 1 hour Chiron Healing® session
$65 for a 1 hour Absentee Chiron Healing® session


Related links

International Association of Chiron Healers. (I.A.C.H.I)


All alternative therapy healing sessions are available in person. Distance Reiki and Absentee Chiron Healing® is available if you would prefer. Call The Floating Lily on (02) 48223397 to book your alternative therapy appointments.

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