Sound healing
Tibetan singing bowls, which are used as musical instruments, are placed on and around the body while you lay on a treatment table. The Tibetan singing bowls are ‘played’ creating beautiful sounds, taking you into a very deep relaxed state. Hear and feel the sound vibrations flow through your body during your Sound Healing. Let the sound wash through you as the sound vibrations travel easily through the water in your body. Sound Healing with tibetan Singing Bowls is sometimes called Sound Bath or Sound Therapy.
Sound Healing will benefit you by:
stilling fast and busy minds
relieving insomnia and encouraging you to sleep well
creating an incredibly deep state of relaxation
relieving stress
creating balance
clearing your energy field or aura
balancing your charkas
helping to shift blockages affecting your physical body
assisting you to journey to your inner home of healing
Call me on (02) 48223397 to book your Sound Healing or to find out further information about how Sound Healing can meet your needs.
Appointments are available Monday to Friday between 10am & 5pm. By appointment only.
Gift Vouchers are also available.

“My experience with Sound Healing gave me a sense of peace. I have been struggling for some time to find a way to get there. Sound Healing was a little like, on refection, a ‘journey of my mind and body’. It seemed to take a little while to reach this place, but I know I did. … a leading Australian psychologist, described [to me] that a sense of peace is like ‘sitting in forgetfulness’. I have held on to these words for a long time and only on rare occasions have I had what I believe is that experience. Using Sound Healing, Helen took me there again.”
(Paula Coffey, Secondary Teacher)
“Merge with the sounds of your soul. Resonate with love and peace as you come into balance with yourself and the world.”
(Katherine Lee, Aromatherapist)
Audio of interview on ABC Radio
Helen was interviewed by Fiona Wyllie on ABC Radio in July 2011 about Sound Healing. You can listen to the interview by clicking on the play button below. I am now taking bookings for Sound Healing sessions.
Sound healings are now available.
$95 for a 1 hour Sound Healing session
$65 for a 1/2 hour Mini Sound Healing session

All alternative therapy healing sessions are available in person. Distance Reiki and Absentee Chiron Healing® is available if you would prefer. Call The Floating Lily on (02) 48223397 to book your alternative therapy appointments.